Key Takeaways from Social Media Day 2017

Social Media Day 2017 - photo from Jeff Lewis

Photo from Jeff Lewis

Social Media Day 2017 was a great learning experience, and networking opportunity for all that attended. In between the morning and afternoon sessions, everyone got to enjoy a nice lunch on the beach. To end Social Media Day, we attended a networking social hour aboard the Bahia Belle. We wanted to share some insights from the speakers with you along with our key takeaways from this amazing event so that you can apply them to your business.

The Speakers

Pat Flynn was the opening keynote speaker of Social Media Day. There’s no doubt that he kicked off the day with a very impressionable speech. He related the topic of his speech to a personal experience, which makes a lasting impression for those who attended the conference. Pat talked about the impact social media has on first impressions, and first interactions even more so. What a lot of people don’t realize is that with the current climate of social media, the first impression is already made, so you have to sell your audience with your first interaction.

“First impressions are important, but first interactions are even more important.” – Pat Flynn

Tyler Anderson, who is not only from Causal Fridays but is also the coordinator of Social Media Day, followed up Pat’s talk with one that was just as captivating. Tyler discussed the benefits of user generated content (UGC) and how it helps build relationships between a business and their community.

“User generated content not only increases your reach, but also increases your marketing team and saves time and money.” – Tyler Anderson

The Instagram Expert, aka Sue Zimmerman, had an awesome discussion about how businesses and individuals can utilize Instagram Stories to build a relationship with their audience and solidify them. She talked about how you can come up with a plan for Instagram stories that will align with your business goals and help you achieve them.

“Solidify your relationships by rewarding those who give you attention and create.” – Sue Zimmerman

Josh Hager & Mariana Cimino talked about the benefits of influencer marketing and how to approach influencers. They also reinforced the importance of selling them the experience, which allows influencers to share their personal experience with their audience. This creates authenticity, and users will know what’s authentic and what’s not. Influencers can help reach a brand’s audience more quickly and help them form stronger relationships in the long run.

“Influencer marketing is valuable. Sell influencers the experience, in turn, they’ll share it with their followers.” -Josh Hager & Mariana Cimino

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The day ended with a closing keynote from Marcus Sheridan, also known as the Sales Lion. His speech was captivating and engaging. It also made several good points and we had a lot of great takeaways from it. Marcus focused on the importance of building trust with your audience. That trust can turn potential customers into customers.

“Trust is key. When they ask, you answer.” -Marcus Sheridan

Key Takeaways

Define your business goals and create a plan of action that will allow you to meet them.

This one is pretty straightforward. Have a clear business goal that you want to obtain. Then, you can build a plan and road map for social media to make sure that you can achieve that goal.

Make great first impressions and even better first interactions.

Social media allows you make a first impression even before you have your first interaction. Making a good impression is important, but the make or break point is during the first interaction they have with your business. So, just make them both great and you may have a fan for life.

Solidify your relationships with the use of social media.

Social media is a great way to connect with your audience and customers. Both the happy and not so happy ones, of course. How you handle these individuals can further solidify your relationships with not only them but others as well.

Don’t be afraid to go live, and make a plan for your live streams.

A lot of people get deterred from going live because they’re intimidated about making a mistake on the stream. Learn how to play it off, and just have fun with the streams!

Building trust with your audience is key.

There are a few ways to build trust with your audience. The use of UGC (user generated content) is one while the use of influencer marketing is another. Both of these ways adds authenticity that viewers pick up on. That in itself adds value to your product and your relationships with your audience.

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